If you can’t remember the last time you felt rejuvenated after your at-home spa routine, consider this your friendly reminder that body scrubs don’t use themselves. You deserve time dedicated to self-care! As a recent convert to a lengthier self-care spa routine, formerly a fast-as-I-can kind of gal, I can honestly say former-me was doing future-me no favors.
I know – time is the only thing we don’t have enough of, so adding a little luxury to your bathroom routine once a week could make all the difference. The best part is – leveling up your hair and skincare routine doesn’t require fancy tools, or you to be a licensed esthetician. You can have all these products shipped to your Camden apartment home, ready to work their magic!
4 Must-Haves in Order of Use:
• Frank Body Coconut Coffee Scrub

I’m late to the Frank Body party, but I see it as better-late-than-never with this stuff. Although the packaging suggests using 2-3 times per week, I would advise one time per week at most, after making sure your shower drain is clear. Your Camden Maintenance team will appreciate it. Note: Must like the smell of coffee to enjoy the product.
• Aquis Original Lightweight Travel Hair Turban

After eyeing the original hair turban on the Aquis website and experiencing some analysis paralysis, I stumbled across the travel version at Target. I skimmed reviews of the travel version after purchasing and using it and was surprised to read many mentions of the turban being too small/tight. As someone who has never been able to buy one-size-fits-most headwear and took the risk, I can say the travel turban offers a comfortable fit. Say goodbye to the droopy towel, and hello to hands-free gently dried hair. Leaving you with more time to do – whatever; meditate, procrastinate, or just be – in your Camden apartment home. Pro tip: Pairs well with Frank Body Scrub as a self-care spa gift.
• Biolage Airdry Glotion | Multi-Benefit Spray

What can I say? A girl likes a good time-saver. The smell of this, oh my goodness, the smell of this. After unwrapping your hair from your Aquis turban, spritz a bit of the Biolage Airdry Glotion, and close your eyes. You will instantly be transported from your Camden apartment home to a luxury spa, complete with a fuzzy robe, face mask, cucumbers on your eyes, and cucumber mint water chilled to the perfect temp. Interested in engaging your senses to maximize relaxation? Check out 5 Ways to Use Your Senses to Relax.

Let’s set the scene; it’s mid-April 2020, I’ve been working from home for a month, I still haven’t fully moved on from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo AND Lizzo concert being canceled after I had fulfilled my HLSR volunteer hours. I had taken my hand washing to the next level since volunteering at the HLSR. This led to my hand washing wreaking havoc on my skin. It wasn’t pretty, and I was desperate. Luckily, I found myself in a promising Instagram comment scroll on a video of a crocheter using a unique medium; caution tape. “Yikes,” was my verbal response thinking of the havoc crocheting plastic would wreak on one’s hands. A fellow Instagrammer had a similar thought in the comments to which the artist replied “@cb2repaircream saves me!!” And the rest is history. Pro tip: Once I got my hands back to ones I recognized, I expanded my uses for the cream and found it to be particularly helpful in alleviating sore neck and shoulder muscles on stressful days.
Please note, it is not a requirement to consider yourself “crafty” to use Kado CB2++ Repair Cream. And if you don’t consider yourself to be a crafty person, I urge you to check out this post by our resident-self-proclaimed-not-crafty-person – Apartment-Friendly Hobbies to Try if You’re Not a Crafty Person.
Thankfully, self-care isn't limited to hair and skin care products and can include things like how cozy your apartment home is. If you're looking to up your apartment home's hygge game, start with 4 simple ways to Hygge Your Home: Creating the Ultimate Cozy Space, the Danish Way.
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