Camden Culture

Customer Focused
We serve our customers in every way possible to prove they are our highest priority.
People Driven
Our people deserve the credit for our success. We provide them with resources and opportunities to continue growing, contributing and succeeding.
Team Players
We work together to solve problems and achieve better results. Everyone respects one another and contributes to the team, regardless of position or background.
Lead by Example
We live out Camden’s values in every action we take, starting with the person in charge.
Results Oriented
We outperform our competitors by valuing action over process. We reward our people for adapting to change and achieving great results.
Work Smart
We embrace innovation and encourage one another to better serve our customers instead of defending the way it’s always been done.
Always Do The Right Thing
We promise to use our best judgment and always do the right thing by our customers when company guidelines do not anticipate the situation.
Act With Integrity
We champion honesty and authenticity in every action we take.
Have Fun
We enjoy our hard work by laughing together and having fun.
“The best way to summarize Camden culture is respect for each other and most importantly, to create a great and fun work environment.”

— Former President and COO, Malcolm Stewart
Our Story
It’s amazing what great people, working for a great company, can accomplish together.
To honor Earth Day 2023, Camden partnered with One Tree Planted and committed to donating a tree for each new and renewed lease signed in April. We planted 7,585 trees with the One Tree Planted’s Urban Forestry project, benefitting 24 cities across the country to help reduce urban heat islands, provide green spaces for communities in need, and enhance air quality by cleaning the air we breathe.
- Elizabeth Lutz, Vice President - Sustainability
Camden leveraged new technologies such as Chirp smart door locks and Funnel lead management to gain efficiencies in our operations. These improvements allowed us to nest communities and create opportunities for job growth. Also, in 2022, Camden was honored to join the prestigious S&P 500, a stock market index that tracks the stock performance of 500 large public companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges. The S&P 500 is considered by many investors to be the best overall measurement of American stock market performance.
- Laurie Baker, Executive Vice President - Chief Operating Officer
Camden invested in its first two properties in Nashville, TN. Camden's fun-loving, customer-focused culture was made for this vibrant city! We have plans to expand the portfolio further in the Nashville metro with both new developments and acquisitions in the coming years.
- Bill Sengelmann, Executive Vice President - Real Estate Investments
2020 compelled us to do more than we ever thought possible. When the Global Pandemic caused by COVID-19 impacted our employees and residents, we knew we needed to act fast. We added $1 million to our long-standing Employee Emergency Relief Fund allowing over 440 employees to receive grants exceeding a total of $1.1 million. We showed appreciation to our front-line employees with a bonus exclusive to them for $2k, a total of $3 million. Employees struggling to balance the new childcare responsibilities during the pandemic received a stipend to ease their burdens and allow them to provide for their families while focusing on work. We created a $10.4 million Resident Relief Fund awarded to approximately 8,200 Camden residents. We did all of this because, at Camden, we care.
- Keith Oden, Executive Vice Chairman of the Board and President
Camdenʼs amazing work environment and corporate culture continues to be recognized. We were once again honored as a FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For® and ranked on their list of Best Workplaces for Millennials and Women. In addition, Camden received a Glassdoor Employeesʼ Choice Award, earning the #25 ranking for large U.S. companies. We were also honored with a bronze award from the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) in its inaugural Diversity & Inclusion Recognition Awards. These many accomplishments would not have been possible without the hard work and extraordinary dedication of all Camden team members!
- Camden Team Member, Houston, TX
At Camden, the message is loud and clear - all employees are encouraged to never stop learning! This was especially true at this year’s 25th anniversary celebration at Camden Leadership Conference where we heard from innovators and futurists. At work, I am always inspired to think of new trends, technologies, and ways to be more efficient and productive, without sacrificing balance between work and home. Camden encourages us to be ready for the future and its innovation, or we will be left behind!
- Camden Team Member, Houston, TX
During the peak of Hurricane Harvey’s Houston destruction, I received a call in the Camden Contact Center requesting assistance for a resident in labor. I immediately contacted the National Guard as all other Houston emergency staff were unavailable; even the National Guard wasn't able to make it through the floodwaters. So, I posted to our internal resident portal asking if a doctor or medical personnel lived in a nearby apartment. Within minutes, residents jumped into action. It was then that a Waste Management dump truck passed through the flooded waters with Houston’s finest firemen onboard! Together, the firemen plus Camden residents and employees stood in waist-high water to form a human chain allowing the woman to safely wade to the truck for transportation to the nearest hospital. This was the first of many, many “Camden Strong” moments.
- Camden Contact Center Agent, Houston, TX
In 2016 our “Customer Focused” value came to life. Every Camden associate across the country completed training in the key moments of customer service. Our team committed to delivering Camden’s “WHY” of improving the lives of our team members, customers, and shareholders one experience at a time. Resident Satisfaction has become a primary focus of our business. Our passion for resident satisfaction will be the key to Camden continuing to be the best multifamily company!
- Laurie Baker, Executive Vice President - Chief Operating Officer
We used a method called Data-Driven Design to ensure we focused on creating an optimal customer experience. Looking at tons of customer data points throughout our organization helped us define features and functionality for the new site. We listened to what our customers told us they wanted when looking for an apartment online and we made it happen.
- Kristy Simonette, Senior Vice President - Strategic Services and Chief Information Officer
When someone asks me if I like my job, the response they always get is, “I LOVE IT!” I tell them all about our culture, the hugs, the sense of family, the pride we have in what we do for others, and most importantly, the fact that what we do is VERY personal to the people we help because we are finding them a HOME. It feels wonderful to make people happy.
- Camden Team Member, Phoenix, AZ
I have always felt like a Culture Warrior for Camden and that means a lot to me for many reasons. Not only because I love knowing I am a part of an organization that provides homes for residents, but it is amazing to have a job where you are surrounded by so many amazing people. This year we celebrated our 20th Anniversary with Camden and Keith said something at our Annual ACE Awards that really struck me. He closed his presentation by saying, “Here’s to Another 20 Years Young!” When I thought about this, I realized how lucky I truly am. I am at a point in my career where I have been part of creating wonderful memories for the past 20 years AND I will help create shared experiences for the next 20 years with Camden!
- Camden Team Member, Dallas, TX
Having partnered with Camden for the past few years, it's no surprise to me that you continue to be recognized on Fortune 100's Best Companies to Work For list. Only the best of the best achieve this impressive accomplishment! Your strong values (trust, fun, respect, individuality, opportunity, and integrity just to name a few) and people-first culture are the keys to your success. I'm reminded about your commitment every time we talk as each topic starts with the question: how will this benefit our employees? Your company and your employees inspire me to also exemplify the Living Excellence commitment!
- Camden Business Partner, Covington, KY
I was a part of the Verde Acquisition. I had no idea what I was getting into but I went ahead and stayed with Camden and took a chance. I was so blessed by what was on the other side of the fence! Everyone at Camden has been so helpful with the learning process and open to my suggestions. In no time I felt like I found a new family! The team of managers in Austin is amazing. Upper management is so helpful and are always willing to back us up. All my fear and anxiety was for nothing!!! I am truly blessed to be a part of Camden Property Trust - they have welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like I have always been a part of their team!
- Camden Team Member, Austin, TX
The moment I began working for Camden, my life became more positive because of the people I met and the chance to see that Camden really appreciates and rewards their employees for their hard work. Every time I tell my friends and family what happens at work or how well the company treats me, they are amazed at how great Camden is - but I’m not! I knew it was a great place to be from the start. From the bottom of my heart, I am so thankful for the opportunity to work for a Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For!
- Camden Team Member, Orlando, FL
Camden has been all about having fun and supporting the employees when times were good. Most companies stop all that when times are tough, but not Camden. To hold on to the value of having fun even in tough times is probably the biggest factor to separate our company from others. Camden has always been a good company that appreciates employees. It is an ongoing, sincere value in the company, always, and the people that are chosen to work in this company have that value also. These are the people who are working at food drives, helping in the community, working with scouts, at churches, etc. People who naturally care about people are drawn to a company that cares about people .
- Camden Team Member, Houston, TX
I find myself eager to get back to work after days off because it is my happy place and where I feel my best. I’m guaranteed laughter, smiles, and even hugs from not only fellow employees but residents too. I am surrounded by people who encourage, challenge, and build me up. It is a place where I feel appreciated and have been given opportunities to grow not only professionally but overall as a person. Because of Camden, I’ve met people and gained friendships that I couldn’t imagine not having in my life.
- Camden Team Member, Charlotte, NC
Launching the Fund allowed us to leverage our outstanding on-site teams and existing management platform to create extraordinary value for Camden. It is just one more example of Camden’s willingness to innovate and take calculated risks to achieve big results.
- Camden Team Member, Houston, TX
Our people love working for Camden. Our employee satisfaction in former Summit markets went up ten points last year. We are very proud of that, but it was a result of the incredible Camden team that supports our efforts in the field.
- Camden Team Member, McLean, VA
Camden offers its employees something very unique and special that I can't explain but can certainly feel; we are nationwide but it just feels that we are one big family.
- Camden Team Member, Houston, TX
Having fun is a big part of who we are. We do not miss an opportunity to bring a smile into our jobs. Even our hummingbird gets in on the fun. He is quite a character and loves joining us live at company and charity events. His name is ACE and he has an awesome wardrobe fit for a 6-foot tall, fluffy green hummingbird. He embodies the awesome Camden spirit and makes us happy every chance he gets!
- Camden Team Member, Tampa, FL
From the moment Camden stepped foot onto our property, I knew the relationship was meant to be. Everyone that I came into contact with, whether it was one of the higher-ups from corporate or an employee from a fellow competitor down the road, was so pleasant to work with! All of the Camden associates worked very hard to not only make it an easy transition, but it was evident that they wanted to let their teamwork and spirit resonate throughout the newly acquired property. Camden was not just a company, but a family.
- Camden Team Member, Raleigh, NC
When I hire a new employee I really focus on sharing our Camden culture. Not only after they start, but I make sure they are a fit before I make them an offer. I have worked for Camden for 13 years and love to talk about the shared experiences I have had with my Camden family.
- Camden Team Member , Dallas, TX
I love the story of how Camden became a public company. Ric attended a real estate conference and heard a guy talking about a relatively new publicly-traded structure called a real estate investment trust. It sounded like a good idea so he and Keith read a book about taking a company public and decided it was the right move for the company. As an employee and a shareholder, I am so glad they did.
- Camden Team Member, Houston, TX
You really need to start by finding out what your culture is going to be, and then realize that properties are the equipment and people are the assets. A lot of real estate people don’t think that way. They lose sight that it’s really a people business. It’s really thinking about the people, fairness, trust and respect. If you do that, then the deal-making, the financing and all the other stuff gets done in the normal course of business.
- Ric Campo, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
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