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Getting Our Hands Dirty: Clean Up at Papago Preserve
 Photo courtesy of Camden
Photo courtesy of Camden
Jourdan Garcia
Friday, Jun. 2, 2023

In April, our Camden Arizona teams participated in a Camden Cares Earth Day event! We put on our blue Camden Cares shirts, picked up our trash bags, buckets, and pickers and walked through Papago Preserve picking up any trash in sight.

Camden Tempe West Apartments Tempe Arizona patio with space for a couch and a coffee table and a view of Papago Park

Views of the Papago Preserve from Camden Tempe Apartments

Papago Preserve

The Papago Preserve is in Tempe, Arizona. It is one of the most accessible desert areas in the Phoenix metro area for hiking, biking, and spending time outdoors. Due to its accessibility, it is also known for the excessive trash buildup that happens from the public.

The preserve is across the street from our gorgeous apartment community, Camden Tempe! It was an easy choice due to the close location for our teams, but also, our team members and residents who live there would love to see this park spotless and truly enjoy its beauty!

Giving Mother Nature a Big Hug

Our Camden Cares crew wanted to show extra care for our environment. What better way than to hug Mother Nature by cleaning up trash? We were a small part of a huge impact on the Papago Preserve that day. A total of 2,800 pounds of trash was picked up thanks to all the participants in the Earth Day event.

Camden Cares is a great program that we are so fortunate to be able to participate in and work for a company that is so dedicated to helping our communities, residents, and our team members.

Our Camden Cares crew will continue to put together events to bring our team and community together. Stay tuned for our future events! You can check out our most recent events before Earth Day at Camden Cares: Arizona Edition.

Camden Cares Collage, created by blogger Jourdan Garcia

Photo Courtesy of Simply Camden Blogger, Jourdan

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