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Neighborly Acts: A Guide to Making A Positive Impact in Your Apartment Community
Photo courtesy of Pexels
Photo courtesy of Pexels
Drew Swinford
Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023

If you live at a Camden, you don’t just live in an apartment home, you live in a community! A community is more than just the buildings, homes, pool, gym, etc.. It’s the people. And, in case you haven’t gotten to know them yet, the people around you are pretty awesome!

Being a good neighbor and community member is more than just being quiet, minding your own business, and not smoking (remember, all Camden communities are non-smoking).

Below I’ve compiled a list of easy things you can do to be an active part of your Camden community!

Watch out for Your Neighbors

One essential thing to do to be a good neighbor is to watch out for the community. For example, if a neighbor has a package sitting outside of their home for a few days, if you know them, call or text them and ask if they’d like you to hold onto it for them. If you don’t know them, reach out to the office. A package may have been delivered while they’re gone for a few days. When they return, they’ll be happy to have had it safely stowed away.

Camden doesn’t allow businesses to go door to door for any reason, including dropping off menus. But it does happen on occasion. If you see menus on doors, please take them off your neighbor’s doors, especially if they’re there overnight. Aside from just looking ugly, it signals to onlookers that noone is home.

Most importantly, if you ever see anything unusual happening in your community that doesn’t look right, don’t look the other way; call the police! If you don’t feel comfortable calling 911, look up your local non-emergency number!

Photo by Dani Hart via Pexels

Photo by Dani Hart via Pexels

Keep It Clean

This one is simple but often neglected. Throw away your trash. Sounds simple, right? That’s because it is. This benefits everyone, including yourself. You want a beautiful community too, don’t you?

If you have a dog, whether you take your dog to the dog park or on a walk through the community, please pick up after your dog. Your hardworking Camden maintenance team gets out on the property daily to check for trash but they can only do so much. We all need to come together as a community to work together to keep our home base clean!

Photo courtesy of Dio Hasbi Saniskoro via Pexels

Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro via Pexels

Meet Your Neighbors

The most heartwarming and meaningful way is actually to be a part of the community! Maybe you have barely met anybody in your community, even if you’ve been living there for years, and there are new people moving in every week. So, get to know your neighbors, spend time with them, and teach them what they need to know about the city they just moved to!

When food trucks come to the property, make sure to go buy food and support their business so the best food trucks will want to come back again! If your leasing office puts on a resident event, go! It’s a great way to get to know both your neighbors and the Camden team! Remember, never be afraid to greet your new neighbor with a warm welcome and a smile!

There are many great ways to contribute to your community but these are some of my favorites.

If you haven’t gotten to know your neighbors yet, I understand it can be daunting when you’re new to a community, but it is well worth it! If you need help figuring out how to meet people like I did when I first moved to Raleigh, here are part one and part two of a blog that I wrote on meeting people in a new city.

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