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Five Must Have Apps for Your Smartphone
Photo courtesy of Canva
Photo courtesy of Canva
Guest Blogger
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018

I simply cannot live without my smartphone because it helps me with my everyday life! There are five must-have apps for your smartphone, which will improve the way you spend and save money, drive, eat, and make memories at your Camden apartment home. Read them below to find out how to make some simple tasks a little easier. The best part is most of them are FREE!

1. Clarity Money - Android/iOS (Free) Clarity is an app I cannot live without. It’s my personal financial advocate and helps me understand where I’m spending my money. I love how simple and clean the interface is. You can even track your spending in Camden rent, utilities, groceries, or even a specific store. I was shocked to see how much I’ve spent at Target in my lifetime (even though I shouldn’t be too surprised - I LOVE Target!).

2. Waze - Android/iOS (Free) Waze is a must-have app for your smartphone that will change how you drive. It gathers data from 90+ million drivers for live traffic data and will bring you to the best travel route. It’s not your average map app. It even tells me what the best time is to leave my house to avoid traffic!


Photo courtesy of Credit:

3. 1 Second Everyday - Android (Free) and iOS ($4.99) I’m a big believer in recording memories and moments, whether it’s through pictures, a journal, or even a blog. 1 Second Everyday (1SE) is essentially a video diary that creates a movie of every day of the rest of your life. Your life story is all within a fingertip reach on your smartphone.

4. Evernote - Android/iOS (Free) This app has been my favorite note-taking app for over five years. Evernote is a digital notebook that you can access on any electronic device. I’ve kept my college notes, mom’s recipes, work notes, and party-planning notes all on this app. I highly recommend this app for your smartphone if you like to be organized and work smarter.

5. Lose It - Android/iOS (Free) Staying healthy is one of my main focuses in life. Lose It! is a food tracker app that helps keep yourself accountable. Even if you aren’t trying to lose weight, this helps you keep track of what you’re eating and how often you’re working out. I always have my smartphone near me, so tracking is easy.

Technology is always changing and always becoming bigger and better. You can even “tech” up your apartment home with a smart thermostat like the Nest, which you can control on a smartphone app. Learn about some more ways to use technology in your apartment home by checking out this Camden blog about 5 Luxurious Hacks to Tech Up Your Home.

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