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A Day in the Life of a Camden Maintenance Technician
Photo courtesy of Anete Lusina from Pexels
Photo courtesy of Anete Lusina from Pexels
Jourdan Garcia
Friday, Feb. 3, 2023

What would Camden be without their maintenance teams? The maintenance team keeps all our properties up and running, and they do all their hard work with a big smile! Want to see their work in action? I shadowed our Camden Foothills maintenance team for a day to get out of the office and get a new perspective!

Cleaning up Around the Community

Every morning, the team walks the property picking up trash and ensuring the community is ready for the day. They check the bark park to make sure it is clean and ready for use and do their daily maintenance on our pool to keep it sparkling! Once the community looks its best, they prepare to tackle the rest of their day.

Getting an Apartment Ready for our New Residents

Next on the agenda was to get an apartment home ready for a new resident. We were all caught up on work orders; lucky us! I picked a good day to join the team. We headed over to our vacant apartment that moves in next week and started to get it ready for our new residents. Dan, one of our maintenance technicians, taught me how to replace a washer bellow, which looked tricky at first!

My assistant maintenance supervisor, Julian, let me in on the entire process. The team will assess any damage and determine everything that needs to be completed. Their work includes patching walls, painting, checking all appliances, lights, blinds, outlets, and vents, and ensuring the A/C and heater are working properly, and the filter is changed.

Photo courtesy of Jourdan Garcia

Photo courtesy of Jourdan Garcia

Completing Service Requests

After lunch, we had a handful of work orders to tackle! The best part about being a Camden resident is the maintenance-free living since our team has them covered. I went over with Jordan, our newest maintenance technician, and Dan to help a resident whose fan chain came off. I thought I could do this work order for sure! Not everything is as easy as it seems. We had to take the fan apart and needed to order a part to fix the problem. My favorite part of helping residents is meeting their furry friends. This cutie is Bella, and she gave me tons of love and kisses!

Photo courtesy of Jourdan Garcia
Photo courtesy of Jourdan Garcia

Photos courtesy of Jourdan Garcia

Phew! What a day! I only endured a light day with our maintenance team, and still saw them do so much. I am so grateful for them and you should be too since Camden’s best amenity is our top-notch maintenance team!

Looking to join our awesome maintenance team? Check out all our available maintenance positions!

Photo courtesy of  Jourdan Garcia

The Camden Foothills Team from left to right: Jourdan (Me), Julian (AMS), Jordan (MT), Dan (MT). Photo Courtesy of Jourdan Garcia

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