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5 Must Haves for Hiking with Your Dog
Photo courtesy of Made with Canva
Photo courtesy of Made with Canva
Guest Blogger
Friday, Jul. 29, 2016

It’s always nice when you’re able to share your hobbies with your four-legged family members. Luckily for me, I live in an area where hiking is popular and for most of the year, I am able to bring along my dog Ginny. Ginny and I have found our top five must-have items for hiking with your dog that we wanted to share with you!


Leash Pocket – Boots & Barkley for Target

I LOVE this product. You will not find pet stations while walking on the trail so you need to carry potty bags with you. The Leash Pocket Velcro’s around your leash and provides easy access for potty bags. I love it because it doesn’t swing while you walk or get in your way.  $4.99 at Target


Planet Dog On the Go Food & Water Travel Bowl

A must have on a hike with your dog is a collapsible water bowl. I like the Planet Dog Bowl because it's made of a soft canvas material which allows it to sit on any surface. When you are hiking you won’t always have a flat rock to rest a bowl on, this bowl will work no matter where you set it down. $6.48 on


Summit Trex by Ruffwear

Dog booties are  important when hiking with your dog. They may look silly at first but your dog will enjoy the added protection. Especially in extreme weather or rocky conditions protection for your dogs paws is important! After a lot of research I’ve settled upon Summit Trex by Ruffwear, I am in love with a lot of Ruffwear's products! $59.95 at RuffWear


Captain Rose Hoodie by Pride Bites

Ok, this might not be a necessity but it’s a serious want. I’m obsessed with this fleece jacket by PrideBites. It’s so cute! If you like to hike in cold climates then I would recommend this cozy jacket. You can customize the colors and even add your dog’s name for a little personalization! So cute! $24.99 at PrideBites


Outward Hound DayPack for Dogs

This day pack is great for trips and has just the right amount of storage and reflective accents for safety. $17.75 on

When choosing to bring along your pet on a hike make sure to first understand their ability, and how long a hike they can handle. Pick a time of the day where the weather is best, stay in shaded areas, check the trail rules, and bring lots of water. Hydration is key for both you and your dog. This list will help get you started and I can’t wait for your adventures!

Check out Take a Hike! Top 5 Places to Hike in Atlanta and San Diego - Take a Hike! for trail suggestions in your area!

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